
Dot-free 1010 LED Neon

Cubic light effect, Top-bend silicone neon 10x10mm, can be vertical bent up and down in wave form, super high color uniform output.

Ideal for where requried direct Cubic light effect visual lighting.

Top features and benefits:

1. High quality silicon extrusion process. 

2. Top bend, free-hotspot lighting effect.

3. High efficacy up to 85Lm/W.

4. IP67 Resistant to water, flame, and UV.

5. Cubic light effect. 

6. Min unit length of 50mm. 

7. Preassembled connector, seamless connection. 

8. Unique designed in-feed system.


Voltage12V / 24V
Min. Cutting Length(mm)17.8 / 37.5
Max. Running Length(m)5
Available CCT or Color2200K~6500K
ControlsON/OFF, PWM

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